Leading By Thought / Episode 5 - The Power of Meditation


EP 5 - The Power of Meditation

In Episode 5 I go a little deeper in this podcast so we can get a deeper understanding of ourselves and our mind. Our lives are a path we have taken due to our acceptance and our embrace of beliefs and thoughts about ourselves.

These come from our domestication, our family, our friends and our environment. So you can say, we have been trained to believe in what we know and think about ourselves from these outside forces. This is important to know because every thought we think becomes our destiny and our feelings create our path called life. Whatever we think and feel, so our life will be. That is the nature of reality and this universe.

So meditation and awareness brings to us is the study of ourselves and the curation of what we want to determine our life to be in terms of images/thoughts and memories/beliefs. Meditation helps us to re-program our mind of these limiting thoughts and beliefs of ourselves.  

The more we can experience health, abundance, joy, love, excitement, creative freedom in the mind we will then send it to the body to experience in reality, because we have already become it.

Then you will never experience pain, lack, hurt, suffering, because it is an emotional poison because you are not sending it to your body. This is the power of meditation when used properly with the science of consciousness and energy.

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Leading By Thought / Episode 6 - Learn to Dream


Leading By Thought / Episode 4 - The Practice of Meditation