This post is a summarization of both events.



Before you begin to start reading about these events, I’d like to share with you a little information about myself. This was the very first event I ever went to that held any kind of spiritual knowledge or teaching. This was also my first experience of hearing about Agartha and Inner Earth. Prior to this I was in the world of fashion photography and filmmaking. The only information I was open to were the books of Dolores Cannon and cinema. But ever since my meeting with these two beings, my life drastically changed.

After the first event, I was engulfed with emotions of such bliss and love I evolved this once fashion/art conceptual website/magazine into what it is now in less than 5 days. A beautiful resource for those who are looking to raise their own consciousness. I also started meeting more spiritually minded people and discovering my new purpose in life, to change consciousness in media. Which has led me to my Twin Flame/Soulmate and down the road of my destiny, out of this Matrix and into the New Earth. So as you can see, these 2 have made profound effects energetically and spiritually in my life. I hope that in sharing these teachings and information, it can serve you to enlighten and raise your consciousness to your true nature, which is to Behold GOD. - Billy Rood - Founder of FIFTY8

I attended the first 2 events out of a 7 year disclosure plan for humanity from those from inner earth.

the Kingdom of Agartha.

Tamarinda Maassen is an ambassador of Agartha in human form, born in Romania.

She has a school "for the mind" in Romania called

the Ancient School of Wisdom.

She was accompanied with her son Teodor, an initiated Tibetan Monk who shared his experience and translated.


When Teodor and Tamarinda came in they greeted the entire room and played some music.  The music was meditative and very immersive/emotional.  I was later told this music was only used for special occasions and important events.  As the music played Tamarinda went around the room making eye contact with everyone.  As she walked over to me and looked into my eyes, she was very present and looking into my auric field and going beyond my physical appearance.  It was a short moment in time but something I will remember forever.    

Some of my favorite quotes from The experience...

Shock is a way to squeeze your spirit out of your body.

We all want something outside of ourselves,

but going within feeds your soul.

1 out of 8 people disappear every day.

It's a restart of the body.

We're batteries of energy.

Anyone, anywhere can be found in 15 min.

Everyone has their own energetic signature.

You can control the computer with your mind energetically.

I've experienced 6 foot tall reptilians and most of them have a bad rap.

Since 2012 as a collective, we are co-creating this new timeline.

Off planet is simulating this new reality and right now we are at a 88% chance of a cataclysmic event and 12% chance of progress around us.


There were a few guest speakers.  Peter Moon is an author and has covered government projects such as The Philadelphia Experiment, Brookhaven Labs, and the Montauk Project which led to experiments in time travel.  He has also been researching sacred sites in Romania and discussed how Hollywood has demonized Transylvania intentionally because of what’s there.  Romania seems to hold much mystery and wisdom within the sacred sites he visited and had experiences in.  It also has an entrance to Inner Earth.

OANA DEMBELE shared her company the Kogaion Secret Travel. Kogaion Secret Travel invites you into the core of Romania to discover the true cradle of humanity and its true history, following the footsteps of the wise and ancient Dacians, the descendants of the Hyperboreans.

The second guest speaker was Dr. David Anderson who presented about time travel, "Space Time Physics."  He discussed the idea that time travel is very possible and that scientists are now debating about the disclosure of that fact as well as the ethical questions.  What consequences could this technology hold and how could we use it to better humanity?  He also talked about free energy by using the rotation of the Earth with very little effect or consequence.

The last guest speaker was Duncan Cameron.  A researcher of The Montauk Project.  He has researched into the mind, psyche, consciousness, and zero time. He is also a born empath and seer whose abilities include scanning and interpreting the underlying reality matrix that coheres this and other dimensions. He was in the military and called himself a "programmatron." In his experience, his consciousness would be taken out of his body to experience other dimensions. He has "died" and been "rearranged" 35 times in his life. His research was not only physically demanding but emotionally and etherically disturbing.


The Earth is a living being that holds the energy of our species.

She reacts if our own vibration is low and full of fear.

But if we begin to change our thoughts & actions toward a loving

and more progressive experience, we can change the future and how the Earth reacts.


Tamarinda started with a demonstration with her daughter Paula.  Paula’s back was toward Tamarinda.  She then was showing how she can control her double.  She would pull energy from the back of someone’s head (looking like a back/neck massage) and then walk backwards pulling with her hands energetically like reigns of energy.  She was able to pull Paula's “double” and make her walk backwards and in whatever way she directed. She did this with a few other attendee’s to show and talk about the experience.  Some where able to be controlled and walk, some weren’t due to being too tense.  She said there are others in this world that know how to do this and do it for the wrong reason.  Like they can push people into moving cars etc…but if we can learn to feel and connect to our double, they cannot control you.





You are a child dreaming in your dream, your own movie.

when you decide to come to this school to learn about spirit, this is when you become an initiate.

tamarinda wants to help people become their double.

In her school she pushes you to become your double and leave this reality.

To find your power and create a lucid being.  

You can learn to use your double to know what happens around you that cannot be seen.

It will move the power of your perception past the body, to the power of the spirit.

Tamarinda teaches how to connect with your double, to exit this reality and go to another.  

This is a school of self, to overcome the self.
her School was made to help beings exit this Matrix.



An energy of black & white came since last years event in 2017.

It gave life and purpose to people. Some chose white and some chose black.

The action of the event last year was completed with this event (2018).

You have to decide to learn for yourself - there exists another reality, much more than you know.

This information is the science of Ascended Masters

and is over 2 million years old.

It is misunderstood because it is so old.


Losing the Human Self isn’t tragedy, it’s just knowledge and wisdom.

it is knowing and understanding human consciousness.

It feels like a tragedy because you don’t know understand why you are here. You don’t know your purpose or mission, what you came here to learn.  

Once you learn the lessons and leave it behind, it creates wisdom and knowledge.

The esoteric world has laws/principles, while the Ascended Master realm has no rules.  Just consequences for their actions.

In that realm, every action has a consequence.

When you have your attention, only on your physical body, you will have catastrophe all your life.

When you are your spirit, you will find freedom, joy and happiness.

This school forces you to become your double and use your mind to create more than one body.

double / spirit


Pay attention to the energy a meter around you, that is your double.  

Your double only knows joy.  

You can talk and speak to your double and command it, that is your power.  

All the answers are within, there is nothing that the spirit/double doesn’t know or need to learn. Every cell in your body is an intelligent divine cell that has all the potential available.

anything you can imagine, you can create.


You decided to come here with an idea.  

You are a lucid being, know your mission and purpose to connect to your double.

Reality is not what you think it is, when you die it’s like waking up from a nightmare, “oh so happy that wasn’t real.”  

Your reality only exists in your mind.

Educate the spirit like a baby. There are techniques to know the double from human.

your double is quiet, compassionate and accepts.

Imagine a life without fear, ego or anger.  Just peace.

When you love, you are your double/spirit.


Each thought is created in every cell.

For one week, think no pain and it will go away.  

The resonance will change your body.

Persevere - No Fear - Think what you REALLY want.

The body is vulnerable here.

When you die, you have nothing.

Reality is based on what you think and believe.

You create everyday with your voice.


5 minutes of anger = 8 hours of the immune system collapsing.

Every thought we have changes the cells, every 20 minutes.  

When you are angry the cells multiply in that anger.

Pre-dominance are thoughts in action.

Misunderstandings = a painful life.

Secrets maintain a lot of energy just to hold it and takes away from today. Focus your energy to ONE point like an arrow.

Command to see.

There is geometry in language. thoughts have a geometric shape to an essence.

Stop the negative thoughts that stop you from living.

Stop and listen to yourself.


Love has the same frequency in every language.

The Path to Ascension

a fifty8 production

this film was inspired by the teachings of tamarinda and teodor maassen.

over the course of this past year I’ve found inner peace and a deep understanding of this reality.

media is an aspect of our collective consciousness with tools that have been “watered down” due to the

“entertainment” aspect of media. but if you can “see,” everything that you need is all around you.

Ambassador of agartha

tamarinda maassen teachings

Teachings by Monk teodor maassen

additional teachings below